Professional Diagnostics
WatchBP helps physicians to improve diagnosis and treatment
Microlife WatchBP provides a total solution that helps both busy physicians and patients to improve blood pressure measurement and early screening for cardiovascular risk factors.

Strictly follows guidelines.
The Microlife WatchBP solution entails a family of blood pressure monitors with implemented ESH* and AHA** guidelines, making it easy, fast and convenient to measure according to these guidelines.
Developed in collaboration with leading hypertension specialists.
The Microlife WatchBP solution is the world’s only total (office and out-of-office) blood pressure measurement solution. This resulted from close dialogue and collaboration between Microlife and hypertension specialists, hypertension societies, and leading primary care physicians.
A complete family of measurement devices
Studies have shown that office blood pressure measurement alone is not enough but out-of-office measurements are often required [1, 2]. Therefore, Microlife developed, next to the WatchBP Office, the WatchBP O3 and the WatchBP Home.
The WatchBP O3 is an ambulatory (24-hour) blood pressure monitor with an extra option for self blood pressure measurement. The “Home” mode with implemented schedule helps patients adhering to self-measurement guidelines.
The WatchBP Home, a self-measurement device for clinical use, is equipped with the same implemented schedule, which is officially recommended by the latest guidelines for self-measurement [3]. Physicians can easily collect, combine, and analyze data from each of these devices using WatchBP Analyzer software.
Expanded collection of devices.
The success of the WatchBP devices and the continuous fruitful collaboration with hypertension specialists resulted in the development of more office (WatchBP Office Afib, WatchBP Office ABI) and home devices (WatchBP home S, WatchBP Home N, WatchBP Home Afib). Each of the devices is adapted to specific needs and requests from physicians and patients.
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